The Changing Seasons – July doodle calendar

A better late-than-never catch up post for July.

Thank you July for another creatively fulfilling month (do I say this every month?). But this time was in a different environment as I was back home for almost the whole month. It was sooooo nice to wake up to the sounds of birds singing in the morning (instead of my upstairs neighbor vacuuming or doing laundry or generally being clunky and loud grrrr), to go on walks at the lake every day, and just get away. Because I travel so much for work I really crave this downtime. And most importantly, to be with my family. I also deleted Instagram for a few weeks so it was a bit of a digital respite too.

In July I did less collages and dabbled more in paper stop motion animation. You can see some of my little experiments here: Fish Doodle Flow , Kangjak’s Kites and Les Codomas.

Aw heck, I’ll embed them here too just in case:

Looking back through my pictures for the month, the consistent theme was pictures from the lake. So I will leave you with a few snaps;

Oh yeah, and at the end of the month I left for New Delhi, India. So July was three countries and three long plane rides.

Please check out Su’s The Changing Seasons challenge for more inspiring and creative monthly recaps. It’s a fun peek into how people all around the world are spending their days.


  1. Another busy and fulfilling month for you! πŸ˜„ Your pics from the lake are beautiful! It looks so serene and peaceful, a truly lovely place. Did you go for a swim as well?
    Your stop motion animations are brilliant! Totally love them, especially Les Codomas!! πŸ˜„ And good for you for using the time for a little social media respite too. 😊

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    1. Thank you Sarah! Unfortunately the lake is a no swim zone. I’m so glad you enjoyed the stop motions, they are a lot of fun to make and force me to be patient! And yes, I found myself a little too concerned with IG so a little social media break was just what I needed. Hope you’re staying cool this summer!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome! I could never do those stop motions – I’m so not patient enough!! πŸ˜‚ But at least I get to enjoy the fruits of your labour – well done!!

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